Thursday thursday

Okay so that doesn’t work as well as Monday Monday but hey I never said I was a song writer.

Last day of the free promo for Hope Everlasting.  I am hoping it will top 200 downloads which would be cool.  That and hoping for a few reviews.  Haven’t gotten any new ones in a while.   It would be nice to have a couple on each of my books.  After all there are readers who actually read reviews before they buy the books, so having a review or ten would help right?  So far on Hallows has five reviews.  Everything else is in the one or four.  Well those that have reviews.   Tomorrow Partings will start a two day promo that will finish up its five days.  KDP does 5 days of promo for a 90 day period, if you enroll the work in KDP.  I obviously have two books that can’t be exclusive to KDP.  The Knight Protector is Smashwords and I think the coupon on that one is over and of Course Endings is over on Kobo..but I am thinking of delisting it over there since it isn’t really coming up in the searches over there.  I will have to think about it for a while.

I have quite a bit of notes to type up on Chaos War and more bouncing around my head.  Be good to get them all typed up and maybe get to the needed step to rounding up that section of the story.  Where it is going will make me have to do a bit of rewriting on the second book, No Matter the Distance.  I am trying to decide whether or not to change the actual timeline a bit.  I started this story at the end of the 90s so the millennium had not taken off.  Now 12 years later I am not sure referring to the end of the millennium is a good idea.  Dates the story but it is also part of it.  I will decide sometime this month obviously. It would be a really good thing to actually put this story to bed by the long holiday weekend.  And I mean Labor day.  I still haven’t remembered the Canadian version name.

Doing a read through what I have and I realized that I haven’t really described my three main characters.  The villain, Avendale I have pretty much covered but I have only lightly alluded to my three heroes.  I will have to expand that in the story I think.  Just so people have a visual idea the differences in them.  Once the first book is done and we move to the new one that is set 15 years later it helps to understand the changes in the characters.  The second book is darker with the coming final battle and all.  But the things that are coming out about Jeffery has changed a few things.  Getting him to tell me his back story is hard.  A very difficult thing with a man who doesn’t know his true self.  A very deep character I think.  And yes by the end of the series he will remember who he really is.  Not who Avendale told him he was but who he was before she found him.

Okay time to type, to take pics of the birds in the backyard and feed the brat

free downloads, new words and heat with humidity

Yup another Sunday and it is still humid as heck.  I was hoping to wake up to a nice cool morning that would help me feel up and ready to write.  Nope, hot, humid, sticky…just plain icky..but I wont let it stop me!  I must write after all.

Now per the part of the title about freebies.  I decided that Hope Everlasting has been overlooked.  So it is up for free for the next five days.  And in case anyone didn’t get a chance to read One More All Hallows Eve it is free today.  So two of the Guardians of the Gate City tales for free.  It is a good thing.  Once I get some photos of Sandy Pond I can put together the cover and trailer for A Watery Grave.  Three tales in the same world.  This is a good thing.

My book trailers have started having some notice.  Which is nice.  After all I made those to help entice people to try reading my tales.  I know I had one sale because of the trailer for Ice.  With the heat people are enjoying the images of snow and ice for sure.

Chaos war is moving along.  Not as fast as some can write but we know I write in my own weird way.  Spent the part of the night that my brain would not shut down trying out different ways to have Jessica separate from the guys long enough for the Vamps to grab her.   Not sure I am going to find a way that will not involve magic of some type.  The guys are more than hyper vigilant at this moment.  I only have the few months between Greg getting cursed and the next section of the book to get her taken down under again.  It will wok out.  I am glad I kept Master Tachi around as a ghost though.  Need a wise old man in this story.  Gives me a place to add in little things that the Warrior should know but doesn’t.

Now the Warrior’s back story is starting to fill in.  When I made up Jeffery I hadn’t thought about just what he was.  He was a construct.  Now he is getting history, a vague one thanks to all the magic wrapped around him but one none the less.  Poor guy wants to remember but he can’t.  Between destiny and Avendale’s messing with his head it will take a lot for him to remember who he was before Avendale found him and used him.

Okay time to dig out stuff for the coming yard sale and to fill in missing parts, maybe even make a trailer for Endings..and if I can do something not porny for Distance…we will see.

I’m back!

Okay I never really left but I have a working desktop with word and other stuff on it now.  Which is important.  I didn’t waste time while was down either.  I have pages of notes to type into the computer and edit.  The new Guardian of the City story is really moving along.  Harry is going to have to deal with a wet and angry pair of sisters.  Should be interesting they let me know their story.

Now I don’t have Adobe quite ready for me to make covers yet.  Should have it by Tuesday or Wednesday and then I can make covers for the stories I need to post.  I have enough that I think I may just go ahead and post them one story at a time.  Of course they are all parts of series.  And we have the name of the series worked out.  They are of course, Guardians of the City, those are Harry’s stories.  Then there will be Death Walks Through.  Death’s stories.  Those are a little darker, more of light horror or ghost stories really.  Thirdly there will be Worlds Apart.  My more science fiction stories.  And then there is Echoes of Elder Times.  Stories that have a more mythic feel to them.  Be they retold myths or something I came up on my own they will have a theme.  Just like Gates did.

Now I added up the downloads so far.  With only three downloaded sales and one paperback sale I guess I should look at how well the free downloads went.

Night and Day 179 downloads

Passing the Torch 137 downloads

One More All Hallows Eve 116 downloads

I could look at those numbers and whimper, after all each consecutive story had less downloads than the one before BUT Hallows actually got four reviews versus the one each of the other two.  And well Gates just doesn’t seem to be going anywhere at all.  With it being all over and the ebook being only 99 cents you would think it would do better.  Six collected stories, which the people who have read my copy loved…who knows?

I will just have to keep plugging along.  I have plans to put more poetry to photo and music, and once photoshop is up and running I can make covers for Sins and Shadows and Loralil.  Get the two fanfics up over on wattpad and Goodreads, give people a taste of my style.  Hopefully hook them in for the original stuff.  Loralil will see the light of day finally.  After all two complete books of work and at least three more in the works?  I have to publish her somehow.

Okay I have babbled enough over here.  Tomorrow I will go over to my other blogs and do reviews of games and movies and tv show.  Stuff I haven’t been up to date on.  At least while the machines were down I got some book reviewing done.  All I can hope is after all the reviewing I did for the past week that the karma faerie gives me some reviews back.  Who knows, they could be good.  Anyone think I should offer more freebees?

Some days

Well yesterday was almost a total waste of time.  All day headache and queasiness made working on my books hard.  I managed to do some editing and rewriting on Partings, so that it flows better.  Thanks to Chuck and Larry and David for their comments  on how to make that shortie short better.  Need to make a cover,e etc before I post it.

Managed to get Hope Everlasting posted up on Kindle.  I figured since it was done and ready I would put One More All Hallows Eve up for free for the next four days.  Did that just before I went to bed and crashed.  Got up this morning and I can tell the boards are slow.  Only seven downloads as of 8am and no comments on the discussion boards.  But then there were hardly any after I went to bed.  Guess everyone is enjoying their weekend.  Good thing to do.

It is Canada day here and there were lots of fireworks going off last night.  While I am glad they were celebrating oh my did that make my head worse. Still touchy this morning.  Something around here is making my allergies go into overdrive.  Not sure what though.

Well today I have the goal of writing at least ten pages.  Not necessarily on one piece but that would be nice.  Just gotta see which one hits my up side the head and says work on me.  Yeah I should do more editing on Star Beast…or maybe I could pull out my really awful stuff and see if I can save it in any way.  After all even as a teen I had great ideas, just didn’t have the ability to tell them well.

It’s funny I am putting up short stories and even shorter stories but I am almost afraid to put up Loralil.  The two books are longer than my shorts, three to four times longer but I am just not ready to let that baby go I guess.  Maybe when I finally get some idea what i want for the covers.  It is hard because I don’t want something too cheesy but I don’t have the funds to get something really good made up for me.  She is close to my heart, after all I have been writing her longer than I have had kids and my kids are my center.

okay enough on this blog.  I should go to the other page I set up on wordpress and put up the other covers I have.  That is what that is for.  Covers and book trailers and series trailers.  Fun stuff that needs a place.  I will probably even put up the threatened poetry videos.  If I can decide what poems from ages ago I feel worth the effort.  Most of those are DEPRESSING but heck I was pretty depressed 10 to 15 years ago.  Now I am just silly and tired and cooking stuff way too much.  Yeah someday I will do that threatened cook book and photography book too!  Okay time to work.

I got reviews!

Thanks to shelfari I found another author who was willing to trade reviews. Basically you read my stuff and I will read yours. What is good about this is that you can get an honest review from another author, one you don’t know. So now my shorts, Passing the Torch, Night and Day and One more all hallows eve, all have reviews. Okay it is only one but it is a start. Her story, Children of Hamelin was actually pretty good. Okay I had trouble with the two storytellers in the tale. They both had real issues. I can relate to characters with issues but I just can’t relate to misogynist characters. They make me want to shake them. And well her female characters but one were all in the cliche category. Not that she meant them that way but they all wanted babies and would stop at nothing to get them. Really now? But I do recommend reading her. Theresa Dawn Sinclair…good writer.

Harry is moving along. I had a breakthrough on a later scene. I just need to get from point B to point D before I can use it. And I have to make sure I don’t go too dark with this story. After all I do have a dark side to my story telling.