Morning world

Well things are moving right along.  Having posted a short story on Linkedin for a contest,  a poem on Goodreads for a contest, on facebook for a contest and submitted another flash story for the SS Wordsmyth love contest, I have just one more to get out to the right place.  A sorta poem for a contest on Sons…yeah that thing i don’t have!  So my brother and his son and grandson inspired me.

Yup been a tad busy.  Then I read in a discussion group about an urbanish legend out in the wild west of the US about camels and a camel soldier in the 1800s who tied himself to his camel after being wounded and dying still tied there..and the camel wandering with him still attached.  Does that sound like a story idea or what!  I mean it would work great for my Death Walks Through series of stories.  Now i just need a little research and I can write it.  Yeah for some reason this month I am FULL of ideas and stories and poems.  I am not complaining for sure.  I love feeling energized to write.

I have recieved and given reviews in the past week too.  You can check them out over on my webiste.

Lots of fun stuff there if you look around.  Got poem videos, book trailers, reviews of my work, my reviews of other people’s work.  Got reviews of movies and tv shows, poetry and links of course to my BOOKS!

Okay time to decide what to work on next.

Busy day today

Well I can tell I am feeling better.  I managed to finish up two short stories for different contests and a poem for a third.  Posted up another on yet another contest.  Now I just have to think about what to do next. 

Been thinking of diving back into one of my longer works.  After all even if I have no readers I have stories to tell.  There are characters who are pounding on the door wanting to have their stories told to someone right?

Sales are still slow but heck A Watery Grave got downloaded by someone.  That is a good thing in my book.  As did Christmas Snow.  Now if someone will download Halloween Pranks I bet I could have reviews on the whole of the Guardian Tales that are all ready out!  I don’t have a clue on what to write for Harry next but he can wait for a bit right?  Though one or two more and he will be ready for a collected book.

I put the Guardians of the Gate city stories over on Smashwords and three of them have passed through the premium catalog all ready.  For some reason the first two are still pending.  Weird but it happens.  Once they are through then they will be up on places like Barnes and Noble and ITunes.  Would be nice if someone somewhere would buy them and review them.  Okay so I have a goal of at least one sale per story and one review per story right now.  Yes when I get there then I will move my goal up to something like 10 sales per story.

My poetry book is nearly ready.  Just have to figure out a cover for it.  The photos don’t necessarily go with the poems but they set a mood.  The poems are mostly darker than not but well they are me.  If this one does well I will think about another collection.  Course I would need a ton more good photos to do it justice.  Right now I am just not inspired to go out in the cold and snow to take photos even if they could be really good.  Maybe later in the week. 

So much to do and so little idea of what I should do!

Christmas Snow going live

Just waiting for Amazon to put it live to start plugging my attempt at a Christmas tale.  I am pleased at how this came out.   It is a good tale or at least I think it is.  I hope others will do.  I made a fun little cover for it, something pretty but we will see what happens.

I have of course that other release coming on Friday.  This is a much lighter tale in the end than Fall Into Nightmares will be.


Sale is set up

Well anyone interested can go to Amazon…any of them, put in my name and most of my titles are now 99 cents each.  Pick up a short story (or 3) or a novel or collection and have some fun.  I’m on a writing break for the next few days, what with the holiday fast approaching and all.

I will do a finish edit of Christmas Snow before I post it up.  Depending on when my hubby gets the cover done I should have it out early in the week and then Nightmares will be out a week from today.  I hope everyone is interested and ready to read a dark tale of the end of the world as we know it.

A Possible sale

Okay not quite what you are thinking.  I am debating putting most of my titles on sale for the week leading up to Christmas for 99 cents each.  Now that will exclude Naughty Interludes because that it with a publisher but include everything else.  Yep that would mean that for a week if you were interested you could even get Endings for that low low price.

Now I don’t expect it will do a lot but it might just get a few readers willing to pay the price for my book and read it.  Sales are picking up a bit.  right now I stand to two sales less than the whole of last month.  I want to do better of course.  After all last month there was a total of 8 sales period.  Not a lot.  Heck at this rate I will see my first royalty check when I turn 50.

So any of you readers who might be interested just let me know.  Should I drop the prices for a week?

December is here and I am a BOTM author

Yup that wonderful time of the year is here.  Snow has stopped falling at hte moment, there is a blue jay hoping from tree to tree outside and People are actually reading my stuff!  Okay people have read my stuff before but mostly those I know.  There are people from who knows where and it makes me happy.  I’m getting some sales and some reviews and even some comments.  Makes me a happy camper.

I was sure i would be in the brown bar of shame club for at least the next few weeks but some very nice person over in England bought a copy of Endings overnight!  I love the English.  Course I love anyone who wants to read my work.  Heck on Thursday some nice person from Germany bought a copy of my most reviewed story, Partings.  And some few people have been downloading Shadows over on Smashwords.  And YES Distance and Shadows made it through the gauntlet to the premium catalog.  Not that I put Shadows there but well it is there.  If someday I decide to take it off of just one place I can do it.

Typed up the notes on Christmas snow and I have an idea now how to make it less tragic.  Which is good. I have to do a lot of work but I have been a bad little writer.  Instead of writing all day I have been promoting my work, posting poems up on facebook and working on hats and scarves for the local kiddies for Christmas.  Yeah I crochet and sorta knit too.  Gives me a warm feeling to have things to give people.  And what is better than simple hats and scarves right?  Especially in a cold and snowy place like Canada.

Okay time for me to get back to work.  Here is hoping that the day stays sunny and the birds keep playing

The day before Cyber Monday

Okay I know but when you think about it I have a lot of work out there that would do well if people knew about it on cyber monday.  People are expected to shop on line and spend a ton of cold hard cash.  I would love if a little tiny bit of it came my way.  It would make life a little easier.

Course I am not sure how I would know if it happens or not.  I have been very confused by Amazon lately.  My ranking as an author has been bouncing up and down like mad.  I meant by thousands of spots.  I keep going from 200K to 800K to 45K to 800K to now 126K.  Now on amazon the lower the number the better you are doing.  My ranking has bounced so much that the chart they give you to keep track looks like a line of W.  Which is confusing.  Then when I go look at my books I had more than half of them showing a rise in ranking anyhere from 8- points to well nearly a million (yeah Gates was way bad and now way good) but I see no sales on my report.  Narery a one.  Okay there was one for Partings on the German Amazon page..that was weird but nothing else.  All I can think is that reporting is off till after Cyber Monday.  I would adore coming online Tuesday morning and seeing a bunch of sales.  I don’t expect them but I would love seeing them.

Then there is the email I got from a guy on linked in who said he was reviewing All That There Was and giving it four stars.  Not a clue where he was doing the review though.  I don’t see it on Amazon, Kobo, or Goodreads.  Now I am not sure, there are a few other places my work has shown up but I just don’t know where else to look.  Would be nice to have a clue right?

I did get a really nice review for Night and Day thought.  James Anderson, a writer who is a Canadian read it and put down that my work is like a palate cleanser, perfect for reading between longer books.  Yes that is a compliment.  And I loved it.

Well the snow seems to be over at the moment.  I think.  We got quite a bit and the kids have been in and out, tracking snow and mud everywhere.  And drinking up lots of my hot chocolate.  Good thing I put in a big stash last season huh?

I typed up the notes I had worked on for Christmas Snow.  3715 words down so far.  Not a lot compared to some authors but Harry’s tales are supposed to be short.  This one may end up longer but we won’t know till i get it done.  I need to put on my Christmas music and dig in but since the hubby is home and the kids are in and out I will sit down and work on it tomorrow.  Hopefully get a lot done while I am alone.

Now I should work on Traveler.  Yes i know it is nearly the end of November and there is no real way for me to write 25K in the few days left but well I did say I was going to work in this one and make a novel out of it.  I think I know where to go now so it will move along.  Time to get more into the mind of the villain of the piece.  I have pretty much set up the heroes after all and the secondary heroes/players.  I need to keep the romantic feel to this story I think.  It is not quite as dark as my other stuff and i think that is a good thing.  After all Nightmares is dark, Endings was darker, Revenge is darker still.  Course when you have characters raped, tortured and killed that is what happens right?

Hope you all have had a great holiday and have a great week.  I will try to blog a bit more than I have been.  Time just gets away from you when you are not looking.  Oh yeah.  If you want to see what poetry I have playing around out there you can go to my google plus blog page, here:

I will also be adding my super shorty short space station stories to my website some time today.  The stories are going to be sticking to under 600 words I think.  Just little drabbles that are fun for a holiday.  So far there is one for Halloween, which is available in two different short story collections out there and then there is one for Christmas.  Yeah I missed thanksgiving.  I will get that one done after I finish up the New Year’s Eve one that hit me between the eyes.  Have fun reading folks!