Silly me

Okay in my defense I am a short story author right?  I write things that are only so many pages long and move fast and furious.  I don’t normally do novel length stuff.  That is my excuse for NOT putting in chapters in Chaos War one.  Silly me.  I realized I messed that up and now I have to go back and break things up a little bit.  It won’t be too hard right?  Yeah right.  But it needs to be done so I will do it.

I have figured out how my Protector will stop the Warrior from destroying the city but I just have to get there.  Once that is done I can switch back to the hunt for the Healer.  Poor Michael, a priest who has to go search for a missing woman in a city under siege by the hordes of nightmare?  Plan on keeping him around so I have to find other people who can be used as nightmare fodder.  Oh the humanity!  It should be a ball.  Though it looks like it won’t be the three day ordeal I had planned for Jessica.  If it keeps running at the pace it is she will probably only be in the hands of the Drinkers for a night and day…we will see.


Fog covers it all

Yesterday it was dim and dark, today the fog covered everything and a bluejay cried out through the mist.  Yeah a bit evocative but that is what I see out my window.  I might use those images when I get Jessica out of the hands of the Drinkers.  It would fit the mood that the world has descended into in Chaos war.  The sun will shine again but the world will be different.  That is what happens when the world ends and starts a new reality right?

As I work through this novel I find that the characters are growing like I hoped.  They are different than they were when I started this story back in 99.  I have grown as a person, as have the people I based Jeffery, Gregory and Jessica on.  Now the characters though are growing in their own ways.  They stopped being a reflection of the people they were within a chapter or three of the story.  Yeah I need to go in and break up this monster into chapters.  It will make posting it easier and easier for the readers.  Yes I can write things with chapters, Sins and Shadows proved that, as did Endings and Revenge.  I admit I have been doing shorts a lot but that is what i had the time and inspiration for.  If I can finish the first Chaos War book by Labor Day I will be willing to dive into Whether to Save Face or Family and finally get the rescue going for Destiny.  That poor girl has been trapped in the dungeon of the demon lord too long.  Having a mostly powerless goddess for a room mate isn’t enough I think.

After than of course I should work on Traveller and get the true beings who set the whole troubles in action for the Fire Maids.  And of course there is also the Price of Freedom.  Those four sisters trapped by the cyborg human who wants them bound to him and to be able to use their unique abilities to make money…that one is one of my few true science fiction stories.

Okay time to type up notes and go shopping.

Thursday thursday

Okay so that doesn’t work as well as Monday Monday but hey I never said I was a song writer.

Last day of the free promo for Hope Everlasting.  I am hoping it will top 200 downloads which would be cool.  That and hoping for a few reviews.  Haven’t gotten any new ones in a while.   It would be nice to have a couple on each of my books.  After all there are readers who actually read reviews before they buy the books, so having a review or ten would help right?  So far on Hallows has five reviews.  Everything else is in the one or four.  Well those that have reviews.   Tomorrow Partings will start a two day promo that will finish up its five days.  KDP does 5 days of promo for a 90 day period, if you enroll the work in KDP.  I obviously have two books that can’t be exclusive to KDP.  The Knight Protector is Smashwords and I think the coupon on that one is over and of Course Endings is over on Kobo..but I am thinking of delisting it over there since it isn’t really coming up in the searches over there.  I will have to think about it for a while.

I have quite a bit of notes to type up on Chaos War and more bouncing around my head.  Be good to get them all typed up and maybe get to the needed step to rounding up that section of the story.  Where it is going will make me have to do a bit of rewriting on the second book, No Matter the Distance.  I am trying to decide whether or not to change the actual timeline a bit.  I started this story at the end of the 90s so the millennium had not taken off.  Now 12 years later I am not sure referring to the end of the millennium is a good idea.  Dates the story but it is also part of it.  I will decide sometime this month obviously. It would be a really good thing to actually put this story to bed by the long holiday weekend.  And I mean Labor day.  I still haven’t remembered the Canadian version name.

Doing a read through what I have and I realized that I haven’t really described my three main characters.  The villain, Avendale I have pretty much covered but I have only lightly alluded to my three heroes.  I will have to expand that in the story I think.  Just so people have a visual idea the differences in them.  Once the first book is done and we move to the new one that is set 15 years later it helps to understand the changes in the characters.  The second book is darker with the coming final battle and all.  But the things that are coming out about Jeffery has changed a few things.  Getting him to tell me his back story is hard.  A very difficult thing with a man who doesn’t know his true self.  A very deep character I think.  And yes by the end of the series he will remember who he really is.  Not who Avendale told him he was but who he was before she found him.

Okay time to type, to take pics of the birds in the backyard and feed the brat

Busy night

Yup I decided that if my brain would not function to write well that I might as well work on book covers.  And I was on a roll!  Put together five new covers.  Now they aren’t super fancy but they work for the stories they are meant for.  I am currently posting up The Words That Brings Peace.  This is a Death Walks Through short story.  Longer story and in my opinion a tad sadder.  I like writing them.  They are full of emotions in a snapshot.  Course Partings, the first of that series had a lot of interesting comments from readers and reviewers so I hope this one will find readers.

Still not a lot of sales.  I will take me a full year I think to qualify for a royalty check from Amazon.  You need to make a full $100 in a region to get a royalty check.  As of last months report I have about $3.  I know slow but hey I haven’t been published that long right?

Chaos war is moving along.  Last night I was tossing around and realized that the series should be called Chaos war and the book I am working on needs its own title.  Book one of what should only be a two book set.  The second book will be No Matter the Distance.  Yeah I know but that title has been ready for years.  I had started the prestory to that one thinking it would be a page or three.  Obviously it took off and it is currently closer to 40 pages of ms word text at 10 point.   Might actually make it to the official novel length.

Been trying to get used to using twitter.  Managed to get another follower over there.  A total of three.  So that isnt so bad right?  I just have to remember to use hashtags…remembering to type #whatever is fun but i will get used to it.  According to the other writers in my groups it is one more tool that you need to use if you wish to sell.

Okay time to get working.

free downloads, new words and heat with humidity

Yup another Sunday and it is still humid as heck.  I was hoping to wake up to a nice cool morning that would help me feel up and ready to write.  Nope, hot, humid, sticky…just plain icky..but I wont let it stop me!  I must write after all.

Now per the part of the title about freebies.  I decided that Hope Everlasting has been overlooked.  So it is up for free for the next five days.  And in case anyone didn’t get a chance to read One More All Hallows Eve it is free today.  So two of the Guardians of the Gate City tales for free.  It is a good thing.  Once I get some photos of Sandy Pond I can put together the cover and trailer for A Watery Grave.  Three tales in the same world.  This is a good thing.

My book trailers have started having some notice.  Which is nice.  After all I made those to help entice people to try reading my tales.  I know I had one sale because of the trailer for Ice.  With the heat people are enjoying the images of snow and ice for sure.

Chaos war is moving along.  Not as fast as some can write but we know I write in my own weird way.  Spent the part of the night that my brain would not shut down trying out different ways to have Jessica separate from the guys long enough for the Vamps to grab her.   Not sure I am going to find a way that will not involve magic of some type.  The guys are more than hyper vigilant at this moment.  I only have the few months between Greg getting cursed and the next section of the book to get her taken down under again.  It will wok out.  I am glad I kept Master Tachi around as a ghost though.  Need a wise old man in this story.  Gives me a place to add in little things that the Warrior should know but doesn’t.

Now the Warrior’s back story is starting to fill in.  When I made up Jeffery I hadn’t thought about just what he was.  He was a construct.  Now he is getting history, a vague one thanks to all the magic wrapped around him but one none the less.  Poor guy wants to remember but he can’t.  Between destiny and Avendale’s messing with his head it will take a lot for him to remember who he was before Avendale found him and used him.

Okay time to dig out stuff for the coming yard sale and to fill in missing parts, maybe even make a trailer for Endings..and if I can do something not porny for Distance…we will see.