A Christmas story, a Christmas sale and the end of the world

Well I finished up Christmas Snow yesterday.  All written and just needing a little editing here and there to make it clean and readable.  Hubby will make me a nice cover and I should hopefully have that little Christmas gift up Monday.  After all a Christmas story needs to be available for Christmas right?  Now I was surprised at how it came out.  Part of me thinks Hallmark moment but heck I like the story.

Now as for the sale, pretty much everything I have up for sale will be dropped down to 99 cents from Monday till Friday next week.  Call it my Christmas sale.  I can’t drop the price on the paperbacks or on Naughty Interludes but the rest will all be 99 cents.  This way anyone who wants to load up on my work can.  Hmm…maybe I should keep them low till New Years Eve.  That way anyone with a new kindle can fill up on my weird tales right?

As for the End of the World…Nightmares is ready for release and I will be putting it up on the 21st.  A nice LONG piece for me with enough darkness I hope to please those of of the world story fans out there.

Now as for new works in progress I think I will be taking off next week from writing to do a ton of baking.  I have to get all the food presents ready in time to give to coworkers and friends after all.  Heck Sunday is make cookies for the kid’s class since their party is on Monday.  And of course she told them mommy would make cookies.  All I can say is I hope this cold or whatever is going on in my head stays away so I can get my work done.

In the new year I will get back to working on Traveler.  I have a better idea where that should be going now.  Hopefully this will work out as another novel.  If I can buckle down I should get it written out by the end of January.  Course there is no guarantee right?  Heck Harry tried to nudge me to do just one more story for him right now.  But really just need to give him a break for a month or so.  Yes I will write a few more Harry the Guardian tales but just not right now.

Okay time to clean up files, back them up and finish up one more knitted christmas hat.

free downloads, new words and heat with humidity

Yup another Sunday and it is still humid as heck.  I was hoping to wake up to a nice cool morning that would help me feel up and ready to write.  Nope, hot, humid, sticky…just plain icky..but I wont let it stop me!  I must write after all.

Now per the part of the title about freebies.  I decided that Hope Everlasting has been overlooked.  So it is up for free for the next five days.  And in case anyone didn’t get a chance to read One More All Hallows Eve it is free today.  So two of the Guardians of the Gate City tales for free.  It is a good thing.  Once I get some photos of Sandy Pond I can put together the cover and trailer for A Watery Grave.  Three tales in the same world.  This is a good thing.

My book trailers have started having some notice.  Which is nice.  After all I made those to help entice people to try reading my tales.  I know I had one sale because of the trailer for Ice.  With the heat people are enjoying the images of snow and ice for sure.

Chaos war is moving along.  Not as fast as some can write but we know I write in my own weird way.  Spent the part of the night that my brain would not shut down trying out different ways to have Jessica separate from the guys long enough for the Vamps to grab her.   Not sure I am going to find a way that will not involve magic of some type.  The guys are more than hyper vigilant at this moment.  I only have the few months between Greg getting cursed and the next section of the book to get her taken down under again.  It will wok out.  I am glad I kept Master Tachi around as a ghost though.  Need a wise old man in this story.  Gives me a place to add in little things that the Warrior should know but doesn’t.

Now the Warrior’s back story is starting to fill in.  When I made up Jeffery I hadn’t thought about just what he was.  He was a construct.  Now he is getting history, a vague one thanks to all the magic wrapped around him but one none the less.  Poor guy wants to remember but he can’t.  Between destiny and Avendale’s messing with his head it will take a lot for him to remember who he was before Avendale found him and used him.

Okay time to dig out stuff for the coming yard sale and to fill in missing parts, maybe even make a trailer for Endings..and if I can do something not porny for Distance…we will see.

A cooler morning

Well it is morning.  Been morning way too long.  Got woke up pretty early today.  Sorta expected the call and visit but 3am?  Relly?  You think they could wait till 6am at least.  Yes it was the authorities coming over to give us an update on what happened to my brother in law but really they just gave my honey some paperwork and a computer link.  so really..3am?
Well means i will be tired as heck come this evening so I should probably get what writing I can done today along with a possible video or three.

My oldest nicely said she would go to Sandy Pond and take pictures for me.  Now this might seem an odd request on my part since I take photos all the time of the creek nearby but it is the focus of the story I am working on right now.  So some images are necessary for the book trailer.  It should be nice and odd if a tad topical.  Ever since reading about the man who drowned there I have had this story swirling in my head and now more than half written.  Gonna be glad when I have this one finished.  It is a good story just coming at a difficult time to focus.
Now Ice is up for free for real today.  A couple of nice people actually paid for copies before the free days. I wish I could send them a big thank you for that.  Anyone who reads my work is a wonderful person, those who review even nicer and those who actually pay for it?  Whoa…gotta be happy for that.  Sales are few and far between at the moment but then I have only just started this after all.
Okay time to decide to do something other than sit here and rub my head.  Going to be an off day for sure.