Its a cold morning for sure

Yup it is.  Last night I gave in and put Love, Loss and Loneliness up on Smashwords.  And the first error I got was you have used the sparbar! times that site is a pain.  Well I fixed all the errors but I don’t know if it will display right on everyone’s ereaders.  The photos look lovely but if you have a black and white viewer like mine they just wont be as nice.

Today the plan is to sit down and type up my notes on the Red Ghost story.  I think the title should be The Red Ghost Rides.  I just came up with a working ending as I was walking back from dropping off the kid to school  Won’t be a long tale but hey that is what I do, short stories.  A bit different than the others in the Death Walks Through series as there is no romance in this ghost story.  Just the ghost of a soldier and his camel…yes I said camel!  I think the end i have in mind will work beautifully.

Looks like the Fae poetry contest is not doing so well.  Counting my piece there has only been three entries.  So I think that one will come back to me and I can use it for the opening of another short story.  Sometimes poems make a great spring board for tales.  Ice proved that after all and look at how many of you have read that story and seemed to have liked it.

Pretty soon the contest that the sequel to Ice, From the Snow, will be closing and people will be voting.  Can’t wait to see how well it does.  And of course can’t wait for the anthology to be put out.  They have asked if my sweet hubby will help with the cover!



Snow is gone

Okay I was doing okay writing a Christmasy story while there was snow on the ground.  I could put on the carols and sing along as I wrote happily my odd little tale but it rained all day today.  Yes I got some writing done. but the rain has put a damper on it.  I should settle down and scribble more notes, really I should.  Not sure if it is the wetness or the ache that it brings that is making it hard to write.  I have ideas and heck a new character added to Harry’s world.  Yeah I know I am slowly filling in this world which makes it a bit more interesting I hope to my readers.  When I get this and hopefully a sixth story done they will have a full world to read in a paperback form.  Yes I said paperback!  I figure if you want them as ebooks you can keep getting them as they come out but as a complete collection paperback will be the way to go.  Interconnected shorts are probably the best way to read my work.  After all I am a short story writing.  I don’t see any reason I should be ashamed of my worlds and how they connect.

I have had some movement on Endings since it went up as the BOTM.  Not huge but heck four copies in about three days is good movement for a book that had no notice over on Amazon before.  With the 9 copies sold on Kobo, it is quickly catching up to Ice as my best selling story.  What surprised me is people have started actually noticing Naughty interludes!  I have no idea how many but it has a nice relatively low number.  Now the lower the number the better it is doing.  Right as I type this is it listed as 234,291 on paid kindle and Endings is 295,785.  Not too bad for me really.  Gates is at 511,594.  Now yes i know not the highest numbers but we are talking at out of I believe 7 million books on amazon.  That isn’t too bad for a totally unknown author right?  Heck even Distance is holding at 763,488.  I hope someday to have better rankings but right now I just want to see sales and reviews.

I did get asked to be part of a blog thingie.  Basically I join their group and give them access to review copies and they will read, review and discuss.  Now that is something to think about.  After all a few copies of my ebook out there and maybe they can get others to read and pay for it.  Not sure at the moment but today I am not sure about a lot of things.  So I will think about it over night.


A cooler morning

Well it is morning.  Been morning way too long.  Got woke up pretty early today.  Sorta expected the call and visit but 3am?  Relly?  You think they could wait till 6am at least.  Yes it was the authorities coming over to give us an update on what happened to my brother in law but really they just gave my honey some paperwork and a computer link.  so really..3am?
Well means i will be tired as heck come this evening so I should probably get what writing I can done today along with a possible video or three.

My oldest nicely said she would go to Sandy Pond and take pictures for me.  Now this might seem an odd request on my part since I take photos all the time of the creek nearby but it is the focus of the story I am working on right now.  So some images are necessary for the book trailer.  It should be nice and odd if a tad topical.  Ever since reading about the man who drowned there I have had this story swirling in my head and now more than half written.  Gonna be glad when I have this one finished.  It is a good story just coming at a difficult time to focus.
Now Ice is up for free for real today.  A couple of nice people actually paid for copies before the free days. I wish I could send them a big thank you for that.  Anyone who reads my work is a wonderful person, those who review even nicer and those who actually pay for it?  Whoa…gotta be happy for that.  Sales are few and far between at the moment but then I have only just started this after all.
Okay time to decide to do something other than sit here and rub my head.  Going to be an off day for sure.