Another snowy afternoon and a day late

Okay  I had planned on working on my blogs every Monday but well see…okay I admit it.  I stayed up way too late watching the Oscars and then dragged my butt around yesterday in a haze and fog.  I should have taken a nap but well…I was stubborn!  So instead you get me babbling on a Tuesday.

Usually I just go on about what I am working on currently but well while I am working on a new Sheldon story I will babble about that over on my Books blog.  Here I thought I would go on about the Smashwords Book Read an Ebook week long sale.  Like the last time I have put a bunch of titles either on discount or for free!  While it doesn’t help my bottom line I am hoping I will get more reviews out of this process.

Thanks to another author over on the Amazon discussion boards I went through my Amazon book pages and did a major over haul.  Two days of adding a LOT of information to all my individual titles.  Giving a little extra information on my other series and hopefully nice little bits to attract attention to my work.  I still need to do a lot more of course.  The second half of the major overhaul will involve spending a ton of time on Shelfari putting in all kinds of little things that tease and entice readers.

Also I am doing a read and review over on Goodreads for The Traveler.  I was hoping for more than the handful of requests that I got but if i get reviews how can I be upset right?

Now back to Smashwords.  Any of you who are interested you will need to go to Smashwords to get these little treats.

Distance Means Little to love is currently up for $1.50 till the end of hte week

All four of my poetry books are on sale for 99 cents each

And the following short stories are free for this week only

Under the Black Bridge

The Words that Bring Peace

Reality is a Dream

Not to the Grave Go I

oh yeah and my novella, Endings is also free for this week.  If any of you wanted to try out the first Loralil story this is the time to try it.

Also I thought I would do a shot in the dark.  If any of you reader s have seen reviews of my work, places other than Amazon, let me know.  I like to keep track of the reviews and I can’t always find them.  Thanks

Writing something for a magazine…or I think it is that is

Yup doing a short story instead of my novel but I needed a little break from the longer work.  I updated my website with the new releases, did a few things over on Goodreads and I have about half of the story written for the magazine.

Now since the request is for any genre and just wants a story that has something to do with social networking I thought hey Sheldon deserves his own story.  Sheldon is the dragon from Christmas Snow.  He was just too good a character to leave in a one shot.  He will return in other Harry stories but for now he is having a little trouble with a client who wont leave him alone.  Having fun coming up with names for the different message boards that a dragon sage would be on.  I am enjoying this one.  The next story, since I was asked for two, will be about why you need to make sure all your devices are properly charging when you go to sleep.  Gremlins and social networking!

Picked up two reviews for Red Ghost Rides yesterday.  I was amazed to get them so fast and whoa.  Two five star reviews.  People seem to love my ghost stories.  Here is hoping when I put up Not to the Grave Go I they will like that one too.  You never know in this business.

I have put four of my titles on Goodreads into the free read an ebook giveaway.  Had three takers so far.  Not too bad, if I get reviews out of this.  Something I hope for.

My goal for this coming year is to have at least one sale and one review of each title I have out.  Might be asking for a lot but while I got my other goal down so well.

Over on my new platform, Wattpad, I have four titles up.  Now this is a free site so I won’t have my for sale works really.  I put up a chapter out of Fall Into Nightmares as a teaser but really what I plan is to put my shorty shorts over there.  I put up In Space No One Can Hear You Scream and Twas the Night so far.  29 and 24 reads respectively on those two titles.  No comments but well I don’t know how to expect comments over there.  It does seem to be mostly younger readers so I may not have something they like yet.

Got contacted by a website requesting I submit a story of about 2000 words to them for their main page.  I don’t currently have something that length but once they get back to me on what they want for a theme I can try and toss something off for them.


Just one more please!

Okay I know but really I set myself a goal of 100 sales of all of my titles combined by the end of my first year as a published for sale author.  As far as I can see from my numbers I need just one more sale and I will make my goal!  That is cool.  I was not expecting my newest release to get two sales in the first two hours of being up and ready.  This is wonderful and putting me in a much happier mood.

I do have a lot of work to do today while I can.  I need to make a bunch of covers, book trailers and of course WRITE.  Traveler has moved on quickly over the past week and I am happy at the flow.  If I keep up with it I should have it written for my next personal goal of the end of this month.

A lot happened in my dive into writing yesterday.  A lot of stuff came out of Ronald and we will be finding that he is not the light rakehell that everyone though he was.  He has a long history and things that his sons did not know came out yesterday.  I have a bit more to finish on that chapter before I can move on to the next chapter which will have a lot more to do with the mysterious dwarven metal shaper.  I will be dealing with her back story a bit and how she was blinded.  I hope this novel finds an audience when it is done.  I have a cover all ready which is a good thing.

This morning I posted up my first book trailer on a new site.  Vimeo is supposed to have more people viewing than youtube but I am pretty sure that isn’t true.  I decided to start with Endings since it had such a good response on facebook.  I should get the rest of the trailers and poem videos up there by the end of the week, I hope.

In other news I am now going to post up free short shorts on Wattpad, hopefully I will find an audience there and I have posted up Sins of the Father over on Goodreads.  Another free read for anyone interested.

Snow is gone

Okay I was doing okay writing a Christmasy story while there was snow on the ground.  I could put on the carols and sing along as I wrote happily my odd little tale but it rained all day today.  Yes I got some writing done. but the rain has put a damper on it.  I should settle down and scribble more notes, really I should.  Not sure if it is the wetness or the ache that it brings that is making it hard to write.  I have ideas and heck a new character added to Harry’s world.  Yeah I know I am slowly filling in this world which makes it a bit more interesting I hope to my readers.  When I get this and hopefully a sixth story done they will have a full world to read in a paperback form.  Yes I said paperback!  I figure if you want them as ebooks you can keep getting them as they come out but as a complete collection paperback will be the way to go.  Interconnected shorts are probably the best way to read my work.  After all I am a short story writing.  I don’t see any reason I should be ashamed of my worlds and how they connect.

I have had some movement on Endings since it went up as the BOTM.  Not huge but heck four copies in about three days is good movement for a book that had no notice over on Amazon before.  With the 9 copies sold on Kobo, it is quickly catching up to Ice as my best selling story.  What surprised me is people have started actually noticing Naughty interludes!  I have no idea how many but it has a nice relatively low number.  Now the lower the number the better it is doing.  Right as I type this is it listed as 234,291 on paid kindle and Endings is 295,785.  Not too bad for me really.  Gates is at 511,594.  Now yes i know not the highest numbers but we are talking at out of I believe 7 million books on amazon.  That isn’t too bad for a totally unknown author right?  Heck even Distance is holding at 763,488.  I hope someday to have better rankings but right now I just want to see sales and reviews.

I did get asked to be part of a blog thingie.  Basically I join their group and give them access to review copies and they will read, review and discuss.  Now that is something to think about.  After all a few copies of my ebook out there and maybe they can get others to read and pay for it.  Not sure at the moment but today I am not sure about a lot of things.  So I will think about it over night.


OMG I got selected!

Yup I am now the proud owner of the December Goodreads Fantasy book of the month!  That is just mind blowing.  Endings deserves the readers and I am glad it got picked but I will admit I am a tad scared.  After all I wrote it a while ago and I am sure it has issues in the grammar department.  I just hope the story telling overwhelms the bad bits.  It is a dark story, what with starting with rape and torture and destruction but there is love and redemption in it as well.  and of course the lead into the sequel Revenge.  If I don’t get ripped to pieces it should be interesting.

Christmas Snow has found a path away from the really sad ending I was worried about.  Still will be close though.  We will see how this goes.  Looks like it will be a longer Harry story though.  If it gets as long as I think I might just combine the Guardian tales with five stories instead of six.  I am sure there are those who would rather read them in a paperback instead of the sbook versions that I have been doing.

I am slowly gathering fans of my poetry too it seems.  When I commented on one poetry group that I will probably only post poems every few weeks he got upset.  Whoa for my short and not at all rhyming poetry?  Cool.  You never know do you?

I went and fixed both Distance and Shadows for Smashwords.  Okay as much as I hate doing their fixes this time Shadows really did need it.  I could not believe the amount of errors that file had!  I fixed all the typos and formatting issues, removed the bolding that snuck in and then put in the right headers.  Here is hoping it gets approved.  Distance, well I fixed the spacing and again the bolding.  Wish I knew where that was coming up in my files.  I will just have to make sure they are not there on the next tale I put up there.

well time to go back to writing and hoping to get lots of it done.

Kobo, Loralil and early mornings

Well it is before 6am here.  The air is cool and comfy for a bit and no one is up yet.  Yesterday I got the cover for Endings, book one of the Loralil Greyfox saga finished.  That is I got the set up done and my sweet loving hubby did all the cool flares and stuff.  Love having an artist and talented husband.  Took me FOREVER to get what I did done.  Then I went over to Kobo Writing life and tried to get it posted.  I say try because each time I uploaded the file and viewed it in the epub format they want it was messed up.  Only chapter five shows in the table of content and the page breaks got erased or moved.  Argghhhed…drove me nuts.  I will try again today.

Also worked on the book trailer for Partings.  That took a few tries to get it to work right.  Something about Picasa had it taking the final caption and just flashing it instead of showing it.  Annoying but well I expected trouble.

The cover for Partings, while not as fancy as Endings was special for me.  After all that is my daughter on the cover.  I liked it and so did she.  Then I did a quick cover for Sins of the Father.  Nothing really fancy and put it up along with the story over on GoodReads.  Now that is a freebie since it is fanfiction and not original work.

Partings went live for the free download last night and so far one person in Great Britain downloaded it.  That was not expected.  Usually they are one of the last to do that.  So I can’t complain.  I just hope that the US readers and others kick in quick.  It is a shortie short but a fun one.

Okay time to wake the hubby.  And for me to get to work on files.

GoodReads and fanfiction

Okay decided to try and get some readers.  Now i know from past experience my fanfic “Sins of the Father” has readers.  If I can get them to look me up over on GoodReads and then maybe see my other work, well maybe they will buy and read my nonfic stuff.
So go, head over to, put in Lisa Williamson and see what you find.  After all there is at least one novella and a short story collection showing there… here is hoping.

Super heat

Since it is going to be so hot today I think i will be writing in the basement again.  Now I can get some good stuff done down there.  It is quiet and cool and I can’t hear all the neighbors making noise.  I can focus on the words I am trying to put together.  Hope Everlasting is moving along nicely.  Coming to a climax now.  Nothing like a good climax in a story.   Leading up to the climax is a bit harder than you would think.  I have great openings and great endings.  The middles are where the work is.  After all you need a good bridging scene to get you from the information gathering sequence to where your hero confronts the villain.

Course it is fun to introduce those information sources.  They tend to take on personalities of their own of course.  I think my little friends that I added here might be some of my favorites.  They might be seen again, who knows?  After all Harry has a lot of stories to tell.  Thought I have decided that I will probably work on Jackson’s story next.  He isn’t a Guardian but he is a cop with extras.

Will just have to see if any one will actually read any of my stories.

I have started up an author page on  Gates and Knight Protector are up there so far.  I will be posting up everything I can but it does take a bit of time.  I put up the trailer for Gates there to help people decide.  I do like how my trailers came out.

Other thing I want to work on is a cover for Endings, book one of the Loralil Greyfox saga.  After all I have the second book finished on that one and they need to go up somewhere right?

Now if I can just get someone to buy, read and review.  This is the part that is so hard about being an author.  You write and write and edit and edit and edit, then you post and then…nothing.  Evening my fanfiction hasn’t had that many reviews.  I get downloads, people read my stuff I know.  Heck the adult stuff has a following all it’s own but I don’t know what I can do to get it out to people to read.  Does anyone read any of these stuff?