Getting things done

Yesterday ended up being a good day for writing down my notes.  Today I am typing them up.  Rebirth is done the writing, typing, editing, rereading and editing by me stage.  Now to get it to a prereader for a once over.  Came out rather nice I think.  Time to move onto the notes for Possibilities.  That little tale has been a pain to get going but I have it now.  Once I get the notes done for it I can type in the notes for another as yet untitled bit.

It is interesting to me how I can go from one series to another.  I don’t mean to skip from one series to another but the ideas come as they may.  having four Mythos of love stories is cool and I sorted through my files and found four others that will probably stay in that romantic theme.  With those and the five Death stories I have a lot to finish.  The only problem is the darker turn tales are taking and the ideas for horror stories.  I have six of those pending!  I was working on Possibilities when this scene with a scared and drenched six year old child running through a storm hit me between the eyes.  WTF right?

I have tried to work on just one tale at a time but it is like my mind gets stuck in neutral when I do.  If I want to keep putting out content I have to work on multiple tales at the same time.  Maybe this is a sign of OCD or some other thing, who knows?  But it does give me so many tales to tell the world.

I used to just sort them by science fiction, fantasy and horror but now I have been slowly sorting my story ideas by those series I have come up with.  I still have many that are in those plain genre categories but someday I will sort them all.  The important part is to work each day and get them out.

I realized that between the short stories, the collections, the anthologies and those tales I have tossed up for free I have close to a hundred tales available for readers.  Okay it only shows as sixty on amazon but that is because there are six tales in Gates, six tales in Distance, eleven tales in Naughty Interludes and more scattered through the anthologies.  If i keep writing as I have been I could easily have 200 tales up for reading by the spring!  Wouldn’t that be cool?

Snow is gone

Okay I was doing okay writing a Christmasy story while there was snow on the ground.  I could put on the carols and sing along as I wrote happily my odd little tale but it rained all day today.  Yes I got some writing done. but the rain has put a damper on it.  I should settle down and scribble more notes, really I should.  Not sure if it is the wetness or the ache that it brings that is making it hard to write.  I have ideas and heck a new character added to Harry’s world.  Yeah I know I am slowly filling in this world which makes it a bit more interesting I hope to my readers.  When I get this and hopefully a sixth story done they will have a full world to read in a paperback form.  Yes I said paperback!  I figure if you want them as ebooks you can keep getting them as they come out but as a complete collection paperback will be the way to go.  Interconnected shorts are probably the best way to read my work.  After all I am a short story writing.  I don’t see any reason I should be ashamed of my worlds and how they connect.

I have had some movement on Endings since it went up as the BOTM.  Not huge but heck four copies in about three days is good movement for a book that had no notice over on Amazon before.  With the 9 copies sold on Kobo, it is quickly catching up to Ice as my best selling story.  What surprised me is people have started actually noticing Naughty interludes!  I have no idea how many but it has a nice relatively low number.  Now the lower the number the better it is doing.  Right as I type this is it listed as 234,291 on paid kindle and Endings is 295,785.  Not too bad for me really.  Gates is at 511,594.  Now yes i know not the highest numbers but we are talking at out of I believe 7 million books on amazon.  That isn’t too bad for a totally unknown author right?  Heck even Distance is holding at 763,488.  I hope someday to have better rankings but right now I just want to see sales and reviews.

I did get asked to be part of a blog thingie.  Basically I join their group and give them access to review copies and they will read, review and discuss.  Now that is something to think about.  After all a few copies of my ebook out there and maybe they can get others to read and pay for it.  Not sure at the moment but today I am not sure about a lot of things.  So I will think about it over night.


Sick yet busy

Well I think I have my hubby’s cold.  Oh well can’t let it stop me for long.

Send the contract for what is tentatively titled Naughty Interludes to the publisher.  Now to wait for him to get back to me on edits and a cover.  Not sure when that will come out but it is a start.

Distance got its first review yesterday.  A nice five star review to add to my list.  It was a nice surprise to go with Test of Trust getting reviewed also.  I put them up on my review brag page over on my website.  which is:

Now that is a work in progress but hopefully it will drive sales on my work.

Speaking of work, just finished up Never Pack Them Away.  This is the scary doll flash story that one of my writer friends is doing a contest for.  We had to write a short under 1000 word story on scary dolls.  Not sure how scary it is but I hope it gets a chill or two out there.

Not sure what I am going to work on today.  I joined a poetry group on Facebook and put up one I wrote over the weekend for Samhaim and it was well received, which was nice.  Poets can be tougher than writers  I think.  They tend to be more on the rules of writing.  And we know none of my stuff really fits those rules.

Well I think once I send over my short I might just curl up on the couch, make some mittens with my new loom and veg watching tv.  The coughing makes my head pound hard and it is difficult to write when your head doesn’t cooperate.