Two things done now to move on to something longer

Yup finished up A Watery grave.  All written and edited, going to make a cover once I get some images from my daughter of Sandy Pond.  Distance is all up and on Amazon now.  I have flogged it on a few of the discussion groups but just did that so I don’t expect anything yet.  That one had me all jittery.  While they are written well but they are adult fiction and very different from what else I write.  The cover came out nice and now if Amazon will just let me put in tags it will be all good.

I plan on go back over Whether to Save Face or Family and start working on it.  I have 54 pages on this one all ready.  This is definitely going to be a novel, not a short story.  The main character, Destiny is in a bad place.  Currently stuck in a dark cell in the hands of a Demon Lord.  There is a team gathered to get her free but I have to get them from one mountain to the other and then do the whole save the heroine battle.  She is a good character who can fight but one small woman against a demonlord?  Yeah right.  So we will see what I can do.

Course I also have Chaos war and the Balance war.  Both of these are a good length and yes they are two different stories in two different worlds.  The chaos war was set in a post millennium world that had a crash that wasnt expected.  And Balance war has the Gods of the Sun and the Moon fighting.  I like doing battles between darkness and light.  Course Light isn’t always the hero and dark not always the villain.  Yeah in When Shadows Rise, the Shadows were the villains but in Lord Sun and Lord Darkness (yup another story line) Darkness is the good guy…so we will see if I get these all moving forward.  I need to get things finished.  So many tales, so many in the works, I feel like my head overflowing.

Now on the erotic front if Distance sells then I will take the other 14 tales and put them into collections but only if the book sells.  I know there is a market for it but we all know I am not the best sales person.  I flog where I can and that is the best I can do for now.

Okay time to stop babbling and start writing.

Lots of work done but more to be done

Okay I finished writing A Watery Grave yesterday.  Yeah it is going to need some editing.  This is what happens when you write with a migraine.  Typos and odd word choices are what I expect.  I will be working on that one in a little bit.  Spent so far this morning editing through the first of the erotic stories that I plan on publishing.  This set will be six stories focused on a couple named Ann and Charlie.  A little wild but mostly just loving moments for a couple that doesn’t have the time they should together.  I will need to put them in order the write in bridging scenes.  Not making it into one long story but connected short stories of a sexual nature.  Maybe these will sell, who knows.  Not sure I would put this up for free like i have with the shorts.  After all the shorts are more what I really want to be known for.

Speaking of my free stories I was annoyed to look in on my current one and see that they took down the numbers.  Yeah today is the first of the month but the the other report only goes from the 1st to the 28th…it was missing the 31st.  Luckily I found it finally.  72 downloads across the US, UK and the rest of Europe…well not including Spain…for some reason I don’t have a single reader there this past month.  Happens I guess.

So today will be a day of editing and arranging and then working on a cover for both A Watery Grave and the to be named collection.  If I can get them done this week I will be happy.  I can put them up, let them go and go back to writing.  I really should work on a longer tale this time around.  A Watery Grave is a short story but I expected that.  Harry tells tales in his own pace and I have left him in a place that might confuse some readers but will lead nicely to another story.

Should I post up all the other finished stuff?  Let people find and read those while I work on incomplete things finally.  I have so many in progress things to finish.  Some worth finishing for sure, others damn what was I thinking?  Never know what will happen.

Endings are us…or justa few more pages

Yup got through the battle now to wrap up the story and start the final edits.  I know a lot of writers do all the writing and then edit but I tend to edit every time I open up the file.  Yeah I do miss a thing here or there but I find if I over edit I screw something up and then it is annoying.  Staying in the right tense and person is what i do when I write my way.  too many cooks really do spoil the soup in my way of writing.

I put Sacrifice up for free for today and tomorrow and before I even let people know there were some downloads.  That is nice.  Hopefully I will get some reviews.  Seems like these free downloads get me about 150 downloads on average, which is pretty good.  Yeah I am still struggling on the actual paid for downloads but they will come.  After all gotta get my name out there right?

It is too bad in a way that I can’t do a free download on Knight Protector, Endings and Gates but those are real books.  Getting them read is what I am hoping for.  Knight Protector has been downloaded at least once as has Gates.  Yeah I don’t make a ton of money but a reader is a reader.

I put up the trailer for Sacrifice which I will add under the other page of my blogs.  I like the way it came out, definitely more a teaser than anything else, which is what you want right?  It is hard to not give anything away when you do shorts but i think I pulled it off.

Now I have figured out the first batch of erotica that I will release for publication.  Playing with a title, something like “Distance doesn’t matter” though that doesn’t sound quite right.  Guess I will have to play with it more.  I will have to do little bits to connect the stories of Anne and Charlie to each other and well edit them so they are less porny and more erotica.

But that will have to wait till after I finish the writing and editing of A Watery Grave.  Nice to have Harry’s third story almost finished.  It does pick up nicely after Hope Everlasting, okay a few months after but that is how these things work.  Get that finished up, do up a cover and a trailer and post it up..hopefully by the middle of this week…or beginning of next week.  I hope I am not flooding the market with stuff really.

I could so easily put up the two other Death Walks Through stories and then the six Echoes of Elder Times and five more Worlds Apart, never mind the second of the Saga of Loralil Greyfox books.  I have a lot finished and ready to go…well story wise.  They all need covers and trailers but what can I say right?

Okay back to work.

Time to buckle down

Well Harry is getting ready for the battle.  Just need to get him in the water.  Yeah I plan on writing a lot today.  Hopefully finish up A Watery Grave and then edit edit edit again.  Luckily I tend to re-read and edit each time I open the file to work on it.  It lets me know where a sentence needs to be changed.

And the files came down for the erotic stories so I can work on those.  Getting them up to snuff wont be too hard.  Just have to change some of the wording, make them literary worth reading.  It will take some work and then I have to group them into five different collections.  Yeah I know that this is a bit of jumping on a bandwagon but I need the exposure…oh the awful pun there.  Covers will be tricky.  What can I put on the cover that wont be tacky really?  I am getting a bit knocked about on the Sacrifice cover and I understand why.  It doesn’t come across at all in the little postage stamp sized image that Amazon uses in the listing pages.  So I have to do something but I don’t want to lose the eyes.  They are important to the story after all.

Now I will probably put Sacrifice up for a free day, yes only one, just to get people to read and hopefully do a review on it.  Another of my shorty shorts but a good one I think.  Hope will go up free on the day I post up A Watery Grave.  Again just a single day this time.  I don’t want to just have free downloads.  I know plugging away and putting up as much as I can will someday actually get my work noticed, so I will keep doing it.

Time to work.   Just how bad should I have the Mari-morgens injure Harry?  He will get hurt, can’t help it when he has to fight them in their element but how bad?

Maybe I should…

Okay I know  I am a fiction writer.  Fantasy in all its twists and turns is my wheelhouse but damn there are days I really seriously think about putting out a cook book.  Now why would I want to do that you say?  Well see I have been doing a lot of experimentation since my mother in law passed.    She wasn’t a big fan of anything out of the basic food category and really really really didn’t like anything orange…unless it was peach that is.

So i have been digging out recipes and changing them.  Playing with the spices in them or some of the basic ingredients.  Coming up with things for my honey and little girl to eat and enjoy.  Must are good, occasionally I need to toss something before anyone other than me is subjected to it.  (That would be the hazelnut brownies…bad bad bad) But today  I decided since my hubby loves peach flavors I would try to make him some muffins.  And I can say this…OMG they were sooo good.

I always try to eat at least one to make sure that my cooking isn’t yucky but damn if I didn’t end up eating four of them hot from the oven slathered in butter…they were sooo good.

So Now I have to think, should I really try to put one together.  I know my brownies are popular with hubby’s coworkers and the doughnut bits I have been playing with the kids in the neighborhood (and more coworkers) love.  The batter for making deep friend chicken/turkey strips needs just a hint of salt to be fab.  So who knows, maybe I should put together the 18 or so recipes I have been playing with.

My fiction is moving, if slowly.  A few people are telling me to put out my erotica, my poem videos are getting some notice and I could probably do a poetry book and then there is my photography.  I think I have so much to publish that I could put out things every week and still not clean out all the completed or to be completed files.

I just don’t know.  I like this world of digital publishing but can I make a living at all this?  We need me to help with money.  I just don’t know.

Sales and downloads

I am not sure which I should be happier about.  The fact that my stuff is getting downloaded and very occasionally reviewed or the fact the very very nice people have bought and paid for my work.  I was surprised to see Knight Protector finally sold a copy.  Makes me do the silly hamster dance of course.  After all the whole point of putting my work on a for sale site is to see sales.  Yeah I may have only sold under a handful of stuff so far but it is a start.

The weird one is that Gates, the kindle copy, also sold a copy or so but I can’t see how many because while it is a kindle copy it isn’t one I posted up, the publisher did.  So I don’t know if it was one copy or more.  Need to get my publisher to let me have some type of report.

Now I need to figure out how to get Endings on the radar of readers.  It isn’t on Amazon so I don’t have the same boards to play with.  I don’t see discussion boards on Kobo so far.  I know I could have put it on Amazon and will probably put it up there in the fall but I wanted to have it in other places so it didn’t seem I was flooding amazon with my work.
Here is the link to the Kobo

I worked so long on this book that I hope the readers from over on fictionpress will look for it.  I guess maybe if I go over to fictionpress and put in the link it would work.  After all there are still the in process Loralil stories over there.

Now yesterday a friend of mine has convinced me to pull down from the various places I have erotica up and to bundle them into a book (or four) and post them.  After all erotica is selling like hotcakes thanks to the Fifty Shades book.  I hate to jump on a bandwagon but well…we need the money.
And well I can write pretty much any type.  Okay yeah I havent done cowboy stories…I should with my step dad finally cracking open books and reading them fast.  And for anyone who knows him this is a milestone.  The man NEVER read when I was young.  He hated reading and now thanks to old age…and yes 73 qualifies and his medical condition he has discovered a love of books!

Well I need to work and work and work.  So much editing to do on those stories and then covers and deciding where I can post these for sale.  The erotica actually worries me more than my fantasies have.  Erotica can be done so badly and I don’t want to turn off possible buyers of my nonerotic stories.  Because those are my hearts children and I love them like I love my body’s children.


Finished writing one on to the next

Okay while I am done the main writing part of Hope Everlasting, yes I do need to do some editing.  That is expected.  But I have decided for a few days to step away from Harry and friends and go back to a much older story.  Oh my was I surprised to get an email begging me to go back to Battle of the Star Beast.  Now that story was one of the ones I lost when I went through the computer crashes years back.  I had forgotten I had posted it up on one of the fiction sites.  Lets not say which one.  So I went and got my files from over there and since they were in htm I had to copy and paste it into a doc file.

Yeah it has been a LONG time since I wrote this one.  Okay  the story is a good one, a mix of Lord of the Rings style fantasy and Star Wars style science fiction.  Yeah I wanted to do an epic and I always wanted to see a cross of science fiction and fantasy with the whole other planes etc.  But oh my this story needs some work.  Parts are good and worth working on.  Parts are written really well, other parts you can tell I wrote over a decade ago.

I’m not sure just how much more work I will do on this right now.  There are forty odd pages to go through right now.  Fragments of sentences, descriptions that need to be reworked and pacing that needs fixing but I can do it.  Once I get through that I should be able to dredge out of my memory exactly where I planned on bringing this story.

When I came up with it I had planned on a three book arc.  Full books, not my usual short stories to novella length.  And who knows it might happen.  I will toss between this and other things of course.  After all I have things like Whether to Save Face or Family, an urban fantasy, Death Walks through, the collection of shorts with Death in them.  And a bunch of other things.  Hell I have the third in the Saga of Loralil Greyfox books in process too.  And that is just the bigger files.  All of you know I have up to 150 odd stories in the works.  Just settling on one to work is the hard part.

Well back to editing Star Beast.  Seeing what is worth keeping and what needs rewriting.  Then I may just take a few hours off to watch a movie and do some Minecrafting.  If my head doesn’t decide I need to just close my eyes for a few hours.

Okay those of you who want to read the old old old copy of this it is over on  Yeah I said an erotica site.  After all there is erotic elements to this story that make it not reading material for the younger set.  But here you go the link:

There are other stories over there.  Some complete, some not.  Some really not bad…others well…lets just say they are a bit more like porn.  As I have said before I can write anything.  I don’t say it is good but I have done children stories to erotica.  Something for everyone.  enjoy.