Cues from your unconsxious to write

Writing is a very personal thing.  What we use for the basis of our tales is as different as every writer there is.  While I have talked before about the inspiration that can be found in music, about how books, movies and tv shows can inspire you today I am talking about dream and nightmares.

Over the years I have written a lot of tales that started out in my dreams.  The good dreams, when they repeat on me end up being put down into my ideas folders so that I can stretch them to something interesting much later.  Nightmares on the other had I usually write down right after the first and hopefully only time.  I don’t get a lot of nightmares really but they are powerful things that can destroy you for a whole day for sure.

Something I learned a long time ago was lucid dreaming.  Lucid dreaming is the ability to take control of your dreams and to even move them in ways you want.  The problem with being a lucid dreamer and a writer is at times you think you are mentally writing a story and awake but are actually asleep!  Things like my book Fall in Nightmares or my short story series Death Walk Through are stories I came up with from lucid dreams and nightmares.

Dream scientists (yes they exist) tell us that the symbols in our dreams are all the same.  That I argue with.  See if you dream in what feels like a movie how can it be that they mean something dry like the dream interpreters say they do?  Each person has different meanings to things we see and do.  Cultural, religious and personal themes come from our inner mind and soul.  While they say that falling in the dream can mean you feel a lack of control in my mind it means falling.  I’m a klutz, I fall a lot and I have learned to control the falling.  In my dreams if I fall generally there is a good reason.

While dreaming we see things from a specific focus but how many of you have dreamed you were the opposite sex or another creature?  I have written stories from first person male perspective, like my Guardian stories.  Yes Harry started out in a conversation with a friend but that was only the first tale.  The others come from dreams and I am quite obviously not a man.

One of the best bits of information I got over the years was to keep a notebook and pen by the bed.  To write down your dreams right after waking.  This helped me learn how to call them up in the morning.  Most days I don’t need to do this any more but sometimes I still do.  Thing like my stories, Night and Day or Passing the Torch while having a basic inspiration in something I saw or heard the day before, wrote themselves in my dream at night.  Passing the torch in fact wrote itself far from the over indulgence in a child’s tvshow I had been forced to watch when my now adult kids where little.

So obviously what this long and rambling bit is about is that inspiration can come from anywhere.  As a writer you need to pay attention to your unconscious mind.  Your dream, your nightmares, you daydreams, any of these can lead you to something amazing.  Keep your idea book at your side and write them down.  Even if you are working on something else, even if you don’t think you will use it, you never know just what will become one of your better stories.

A Christmas story, a Christmas sale and the end of the world

Well I finished up Christmas Snow yesterday.  All written and just needing a little editing here and there to make it clean and readable.  Hubby will make me a nice cover and I should hopefully have that little Christmas gift up Monday.  After all a Christmas story needs to be available for Christmas right?  Now I was surprised at how it came out.  Part of me thinks Hallmark moment but heck I like the story.

Now as for the sale, pretty much everything I have up for sale will be dropped down to 99 cents from Monday till Friday next week.  Call it my Christmas sale.  I can’t drop the price on the paperbacks or on Naughty Interludes but the rest will all be 99 cents.  This way anyone who wants to load up on my work can.  Hmm…maybe I should keep them low till New Years Eve.  That way anyone with a new kindle can fill up on my weird tales right?

As for the End of the World…Nightmares is ready for release and I will be putting it up on the 21st.  A nice LONG piece for me with enough darkness I hope to please those of of the world story fans out there.

Now as for new works in progress I think I will be taking off next week from writing to do a ton of baking.  I have to get all the food presents ready in time to give to coworkers and friends after all.  Heck Sunday is make cookies for the kid’s class since their party is on Monday.  And of course she told them mommy would make cookies.  All I can say is I hope this cold or whatever is going on in my head stays away so I can get my work done.

In the new year I will get back to working on Traveler.  I have a better idea where that should be going now.  Hopefully this will work out as another novel.  If I can buckle down I should get it written out by the end of January.  Course there is no guarantee right?  Heck Harry tried to nudge me to do just one more story for him right now.  But really just need to give him a break for a month or so.  Yes I will write a few more Harry the Guardian tales but just not right now.

Okay time to clean up files, back them up and finish up one more knitted christmas hat.

The best resource

Now the best resource for a writer is another writer.  They know the programs you need to work with, they can tell you when you do something like switch the character names back and forth and they know that chapter numbers should be numerals and not spelled out.  All this from one of my author friends.  This is going to help Nightmares to be a more professional story.  She even spotted two sentences that I had left open by mistake.

Now other little things is when you change computers you loose programs.  I needed to switch from doc to pdf and my pdf program was missing that function!  SO off the the web I went.  Luckily there are now pages that you can do that right online.  So that file is fixed.

Sales have been deader than dead in the past week.  I was worried until others stated they were having the same problem.  Not a good thing but at least it isn’t just me right?  I noticed even the free promos are barely moving.  Here is hoping that we see an uptick by the end of the month.  But I have a feeling it wont be till closer to thanksgiving US that is.

Once I get Nightmares read and edited I will be happy.  I started working on Wind Lover again and it should move along to a more paranormal romance than paranormal erotica story.  At least that is the goal.

And on a seasonal note I need to get Halloween Pranks read through once more to make sure it is ready for release next week.  Here is hoping it actually sells.

another rainy day? Darn

Well I guess it gives me an excuse to work right?  Yesterday I did more than I realized.  Once my bones stopped bugging me I converted Endings from a ebook to a paperback.  That meant reworking the cover and reformatting the text.  Which was a good thing.  Found a typo I missed in the ebook.   So that will be up in the Createspace page soon.  I figure the next one to get paperback treatment will be Distance.  After all that is a complete collection of short stories right?

Speaking of collections I put the question up to my friends on the discussion boards and people like the idea of me doing paperbacks of my series.  I think it will basically be three all ready published in a series plus one or two that have not been put up.  I plan on setting my paperback prices at $5.99 each.  So not too expensive but a nice little thing for those who like something in their hands.  Now that paperback books are tending toward $10 each I think a good deal.  Course it means making more covers and reformatting everything but that I can do.

Today I started the process of putting a short story up on smashwords.  This time was easier than when I did Knight Protector.  The only real issue I had was getting my cover up.  I had accidentally loaded up the cover meant for amazon, so had to re-size and then find the place to upload the cover.  A Night of Love, the first of the Pleasant Moments erotic short stories is up and pending release in the premium catalog.  Here is hoping this one moves better than Knight Protector has on smashwords.

Deciding right now whether I should put together a cover for Revenge right now.  Getting it up and ready might be a good idea.  After all Endings has started to sell as an ebook on Kobo.  I think once I have a few more sales there I will put Revenge up.  That way it will have the sequel up and ready.

I have Nightmares out to three beta readers right now.  Crossing my fingers that they find the story good and not needing too much in corrections.  I will be cool to get that one out as a book finally.  And yes I will do it as a paperback at the same time as the ebook.  After all novels should be done in both formats right?

Phew I’m done

Yes I have finished up the ending for Nightmares.  Now I just have to work on the read through and the editing.  At this rate I might actually make my self set date for release.  I thought the day the world is supposed to end yet again would be the perfect day to release this book.  But we will see.

A Watery Grave is up on Amazon kindle now.  I will be announcing it on the boards tomorrow to coincide with my two day freebie promo of All That There Was.  Need ot get some notice on my other stories so the beginning of September will have a few two day promos.  Here is hoping the month is a good one.  If I continue to double my sales I should hopefully see 22 or more in September.  That is actual paid for the book sales versus the free downloads.  Those seem to settle around 150 to 200 per book with only a few reviews to let me know someone read those free books.

Once I finish up the reread and edits of Nightmares I have someone who offered to look it over for me.  Now I don’t know if she charges.  If she does I will have to work the elephant myself.  We shall see right?

God I am tired.  Writing can take a lot out of you, especially when the end comes to you in one big rush of action, blood and death.  I have left the ending open for the next book but I don’t plan on working on that till next year some time.  I think it is time to finish up either Destiny’s story or the sisters.  Have to decide if I am doing more urban fantasy (well more adventure than fantasy) or if I want to work on my science fiction tale.  but I am taking off the weekend from writing.  I will flog my freebie and the new story over the weekend but writing itself can wait for me to feel more with it.  Time to watch some bad movies, good tv and read if I can.  If not I will just run about on Minecraft and build more impossible buildings.  Which ever, I’m beat.

Dreaming the scene

Yeah I do this a lot.  Lie down for a good nights sleep and wake up because a scene is stuck in my head.  Now that can be a good thing if it is in the tale you are currently working on right?  Well Yes and now.  I got part of a scene from the current book and part of a scene from the sequel.  Whoops!

Once was have our yearly inspection done I plan on doing a little baking and a lot of writing.  Getting the heroes out of the house they are in will be tricky.  Can’t go outside for 10 hours unless they want to be eaten by the hordes of ravenous Nightmares running about.  Hey I just realized I have a whole set of monsters but not a single actual Nightmare in this.  Hmmm.  Guess I could have one, after all a horse with flaming mane, tail and hooves would be interesting in a end of the world type tale.  Don’t want to go over board though.  AFter all the story is about how Avendale is trying to control Jeffery and take over the world.  She has done it before and is rather upset it isn’t working out the way she wanted.  Poor Villain.

Okay a little more neatening up before the super shows up and then I can sit back and write my fingers off.  Sold another story last night.  Glad I was to see Passing the Torch getting a download.  I posted that one up in May and it had downloads from the free promo but none after.  So maybe the other two from back then will see movement right?  Oh wait All Hallows all ready has.  That leaves Night and Day.

The smut is doing well with free promo copies being downloaded in all the countries on my kindle list.  That is nice.  Had 125 as of 6am.  So it is working.  Now to hope for some reviews and of course paying customers.  This week has been a banner week so far with three downloads.  That is better than I had been doing.  So who knows maybe people are noticing my little worlds.