Another cold Monday on my hands

The month is moving along and I have done a lot of moving of files.  Thanks to Amazon dropping Draft2Digital I had to move 40 titles over to them.  Now this wasn’t so bad.  Thanks to D2D keeping the mobi format of my titles up on their server I just downloaded the mobi and then uploaded the whole wad up on Amazon.  Took me an entire day but I got the stories up and even put up a couple of new covers for stories that were all ready over there.

The upside it did get some attention to me again.  Have had a handful of sales on titles that really haven’t seen movement in ages.  By handful I mean one or two sales of four titles…not a lot but I take them where they come from right?

The downside is that reviews that were done on any of the titles that were not 0rginally put up on Amazon are no longer showing on amazon.  They told the folks at D2D that review and numbers would be taken across..which they weren’t.  I emailed amazon bout it and they said sent us the old and new AISN numbers and they would connect the reviews, not the numbers.  I went okay, got the numbers and sent the email back to them.  Then I get another email saying to, get this, send them the numbers AND the reviews and they would move them over.  What the hell do they need me to send both numbers and the reviews for?  Never mind that they now have two of my kindle versions no long attached to their paperback versions.  This is ANNOYING.

I will probably have to ask the wonderful people who wrote the reviews if they would not mind moving them over to the new numbers.  Damn that is a lot to ask for sure.

Well once I get that done I plan on putting up the seven finished tales I have.  Well that is once I get covers done.  I am a wee bit behind on that.  Not as much as I am in the book trailer list but I will get into that later.  I have one cover done for the pending works and I am trying to figure out what will be the right cover for the following stories:

Secrets Can Be Deadly


I Can’t Love You Anymore

No More the Smiles

If Shadows Could Speak

Undying Tricksters

The first two are part of the Magic and Nightmares series, just like When Winter Comes Roaring.  The other four are part of the Death Walks Through series.  With these I think I will begin on working on the collected book one of those short stories.  Some of the Death stories seem to be over looked by the readers, which is sad as they are poignant little tales of love and loss and the after life.  My ghost stories are different for sure.

I think by this summer I will collect together all my series into their various books.  No matter if I only have five or six tales.  Other authors have done it and had it work out well.  So we will see.  They will of course cost more than the single titles but they will be cheaper than buying every short.  I won’t say when this will be done after all I still have to finish writing Whether to Save Face or Family and then work on a few of my paranormal romance novellas and start on the science fiction tale I have pending.  So much work and I have been a BAD writer and playing video games!

Music is the muse today

Music is definitely my muse right now.  The two ghost stories I have put up over the past two weeks were both inspired by songs on my IPod.  I have another started that I am not sure will be a ghost story or something from what I am tentatively calling my horror series.  anyone who knows me or has read my work realizes that I am no HP Lovecraft or EA Poe.  I write stuff that is odd yes but not necessarily that dark but it seems I have a number of stories (in pieces right now) that would really be more a horror story than a fantasy.  They are dark for me (which can be quite dark) and don’t have a happy ending for sure. 

My original dark tale was Descents, which is in the Gates collection.  Dark and eerie it fit in that book because of the gate in the story.  Though I will admit I am thinking of a new set of tales once I get Descents and the others back.  With titles like Man’s Roads, And Darkness Claims it all, Light search the Night and Walk Blind Into the Night these tales would be darker than my usual.  I guess I could call the series Descents into Darkness.  That would be a nice title don’t you think?

Course not all of my tales are dark.  I do have lighter more romantic fair just waiting for me to finish them up and put them out.  Flame Vixen is one of them and Singer of the Blood Song another.  They will of course have me normal odd fantasy flavor but with romance as a big component.  What to call them I have no idea.

Now I finally put up the last of my finished erotica stories.  And He makes three is pretty much smut but well you never know what sells right?  I obviously would rather my fantasy sell but I will take sales where they come. 

Today I started writing to Richard Marx.  One of my all time favorite singers.  His songs have inspired me to write poetry and of course short stories.  Hazards is based on his song Hazard and Children should be heard is based on Children of the Night.  So this now story, Now and Forever, is of course based on the lines of that song but it always has bits inspired by other songs from the same album.  While I have only typed as of now 710 words, it is a start.  Who knows where it will go.  This man telling this tale is doomed for sure though.  Never ever sign a contract with blood, no matter who tells you to do it.

I will post excerpts from some of the tales I have mentioned over on books by Lisa Williamson and of course the two covers on my newest stories over on Window of my mind.

New month and the brown bar is back

Last month was awesome.  I broke my best record of sales.  A total (so far as I know) of 32 copies of my work went to readers who wanted to read my stuff.  This made me happy.  With that and the handful of reviews I received makes March one of the best months so far in my writing career.  While I did not finish up as much as I thought I would I did put out new titles for the readers to enjoy.

In fact I used a new platform to post them.  A place called draft2digital.  Stuff went in pretty easy and amazingly enough one of the titles sold three copies right away.  Now it just might be because it was erotica and had the torso of a sexy woman in a corset on the cover but who is complaining?  I mean any sale is a good sale.

My series are starting to fill out nicely.  I have a number of titles out now.  Each series of short stories has between 3 and 6 titles a piece, which is good.  As I complete more I am moving quickly to the amount of pages I want for the paperback collections.  Okay for the collections period.  It will be fun to see how they do.

On the writing front Harry took over my mind from Traveler.  At first Sudden Disappearances flowed easily but it got stuck over the holiday weekend.  Okay between cooking and having kids in and out of the house and other distractions I really did not get a lot done.  But I made up for it today.   The story is up over 6K in words right now and I have some nice twists working there way into the story.  I did have to dig back into A Watery Grave for some info and flip back to another work in progress.  That work is Lady of the Merrimack.  Now that is a side story based in the same city as Guardian but from a different character.  As I have said in other blogs in the past I have a whole set of other stories that will be set in the same city.  Seven to be exact.  Each of them are in various stages of writing from a few pages to over 30 pages of story.  They will weave in and around the main Harry stories to make the world richer.

Slowly word is getting out about me.  I was just added to a book listing over on a facebook page you can see it there.  Rather nice of them.  Facebook as proven a good place for me to put up links to my work and to discuss writing.  Heck I have been printed in two collections from Facebook and I have been requested to be in three others, so a good place for me.

Amazon has been good too obviously.  Though I am confused.  I have a review I picked up on the UK site that has not as of yet processed over to the US site.  Night and Day got a nice solid four star review and it would be nice if it would show up in the US.  One of my odder little tales, it was the first one I wrote in first person.  I happen to like that tale and who knows someday there might be more of them.  You never know right?

Heck when I get the rights back to the tales in my first collection, Gates, I plan on putting Last Moonset and The Companions tale out as part of a new series.  They are of course tales that go together.  The other tales in the collection could probably work in Beyond Realities or Worlds Apart but I would have to think about it.

Heck I have the beginnings of a sequel to Descents.  Now that will be fun.  My take on horror is not the modern lets fill it with blood take.  So we can see where that will go when I get to it right?  Some of the stories like Seven Moons should go with Knight Protector.  Very paranormal romance without the usual paranormal take on things.  I just might change Knight Protector into the first book of a series of my more romantic tales…okay now I have myself thinking of more series!  I am going to drive you poor readers nuts this way if I keep it up.


Ghost stories are fun to make covers for!

Yup I write those too…if you hadn’t guessed faithful readers.  This one is for a tale that actually started out as almost a fan fiction.  I had set it (Long long ago) in the world of the White Wolf Wraith gaming system.  I decided to keep the bones and through out a good half of the story and rewrite and I came up with something that fits in my Death Walks Through short stories series.  So here you go!

