Is it a wasted day?

I have been catching up on my discussion groups and okay watching Predator with my hubby instead of writing, editing, making trailers and covers and all the stuff a good working writer should be doing but is it really wasting time?  You learn a lot on writer/poet discussion groups.

I will be posting the cover and trailer for Halloween pranks and mischief over on the book page in a little bit if anyone is interested.  Be glad to have that one out for people to read soon.

Picked up two more reviews this morning from a reader with the handle Cphe.  While she pointed out my booboos (which is important in my view of reviews) she still gave me nice four stars on both stories.  Not sure she likes the length but well we know by now dear reader that I write short stuff.  My longer stuff is out there but I doubt she has found them yet.  She reviewed two of my under 20 page things.  Glad she read them.

Death was the Bargain and The Words That Bring Peace are both on free download right now.  Last days they will be part of the KDP free promos.  I figured get them all done while I could.  The promos are moving slowly but that doesnt surprise much.  I have less sales than I like but I have some, which is good.

My most recently posted poem on the poet group on facebook got a couple of nice comments.  Nice to think that poets like my short and too the point words.  Heck I put up what  I thought of as a totally unfinished poem and they said it felt finished and like a hiaku!  That was cool.  That I will have a poem in a collection of other poets is also cool.

Looked like no one noticed my entry in the halloween short story contest on the space station.  I was hoping to get a comment but no one mentioned it.  Oh well.  It was a little silly but I think we needed a silly.  While all the entries are really really good most of them are really dark.  Need one or two light ones to make it easier to go on the the darkness.  Still don’t know if Lin got more for her scary doll contest.  For a while I was the only one!

Okay now a friend, Massimo asked me to add his widget to my blog.  Got to figure out how to do that.  I might just put it on my website instead but we will see

Crazy days

Well the router went down and then hubby got real sick.  Took a day out of working on stuff but I am glad I did.  RAther take care of my hubby than ignore the poor guy.

Not that I haven’t done stuff.  I have the cover for Halloween Pranks and Mischief done and the book trailer.  Have edited it up to cleanness and I am reading another writers work so she can have a review ready for when the book goes up.  Got an email back from the erotica publisher and he doesn’t use original art from the author but has images he will license.  I went over and picked out a few for consideration and sent them over.  One more step on that book done.  The poetry book that I have had one of my pieces accepted for should be out at the end of the month.  That will be nice.

Posted one of my poetry videos on the poetry facebook page and waiting to see if they like the idea.  No comments yet.  I have been working on updating my website.  I need to resize the book cover images so they aren’t so big on the page.   Once I get that done I can post up all my work so far.  I think i have the review page up to date.  Which is nice.  So many reviews.  It is sweet.

And a new thing.  It seems I can publish my fanfiction on smashwords as long as I make sure to put in disclaimers and do not add to the premium catalog.  I can work on getting those set up.  After all Sins and Shadows were written chapter by chapter and posted that way.  Which led me to think they were smaller than they were for sure.  Get those up and I can add to my website the links there so people can read those for free.

Of the 22 all ready published stories and books I have only made 11 book trailers.  Need to get my butt in gear and do the rest.  After all that is just one more tool to getting people to read my work.  Sales are grinding along slowly but from what I gather all over sales are slow this month.  I hope they pick up next month.  I would love to actually get a royalty check someday.

Well time to put together another spreadsheet to keep track of what I have done for each book so I know where they are and what I need to do yet.  I know but it helps me keep track of my work and makes me feel like i have done something.

Sick yet busy

Well I think I have my hubby’s cold.  Oh well can’t let it stop me for long.

Send the contract for what is tentatively titled Naughty Interludes to the publisher.  Now to wait for him to get back to me on edits and a cover.  Not sure when that will come out but it is a start.

Distance got its first review yesterday.  A nice five star review to add to my list.  It was a nice surprise to go with Test of Trust getting reviewed also.  I put them up on my review brag page over on my website.  which is:

Now that is a work in progress but hopefully it will drive sales on my work.

Speaking of work, just finished up Never Pack Them Away.  This is the scary doll flash story that one of my writer friends is doing a contest for.  We had to write a short under 1000 word story on scary dolls.  Not sure how scary it is but I hope it gets a chill or two out there.

Not sure what I am going to work on today.  I joined a poetry group on Facebook and put up one I wrote over the weekend for Samhaim and it was well received, which was nice.  Poets can be tougher than writers  I think.  They tend to be more on the rules of writing.  And we know none of my stuff really fits those rules.

Well I think once I send over my short I might just curl up on the couch, make some mittens with my new loom and veg watching tv.  The coughing makes my head pound hard and it is difficult to write when your head doesn’t cooperate.