What a 24 hours I have had

Yesterday I was on a radio interview which anyone can listen to here:


Then i woke up to a sale…yes only one but hey that always makes me happy.  Then there were some reviews of my free stories over on Smashwords

for Twas the Night there were two

Review by: James Jenkins on Sep. 27, 2013 : star star star star
Quick, cute and different.
(review of free book)

Review by: I M Vayne on Sep. 22, 2013 : star star star star
A good quick read with an interesting twist on the familiar.

For Same Time Next Year at the Space Port Cafe

Review by: James Jenkins on Sep. 27, 2013 : star star star star star
Enjoyable, third party look at two lovers who meet at spaceport cafe.

and for In Space No One Can Hear You Scream

Review by: James Jenkins on Sep. 21, 2013 : star star star star star
Short and cute. Worth the time read, might make you want to see what else the author has.
(review of free book)

Then I got an email that the short flash fiction story I submitted to a contest WON!  Which You can read here


And finally if you want to read one of my other short stories, something written for a Halloween Contest you can go here


What I day it has been.  I love days like this.

And now for something completely different

Yup.  Now normally this blog is all about writing, about how I do it, what I am working on and my hopes for my work.  But right now I am stalled.  Stalled in my sales, stalled in reviews and even stalled in my writing.  It isn’t that I don’t have the words in my head, it is getting the drive up to write them, to finish what I have started.  I will but just not right now.

So instead today I watched some movies.  Yup I did  little reading, did a little farmville and then decided to watch some movies.  And guess what folks?  You get to read what I thought of what I watched today.

First I came in a few minutes into a movie called Looking for a Friend for the End of the World…yes I am late watching most movies..that is life but you know i was pleasantly surprised.  It was sweet and funny and a really interesting take on the end of the world.  While they did comment in the background about what was going to happen it was not really that important.  What was was the relationship between the two main characters and watching them build up to the sweet finale was almost tear jerking.  It was too sweet for tears but it was heart rending because of course the world ended…white out at the end but it was an amazing little movie.

Then I decided I needed something a bit lighter/  Watched Sparkle.  Now I was thinking it would be another Glitter, which wasn’t as terrible as people said but it was much better.  I enjoyed the music of course and the acting was rather well done.  I am sure some will think it blasphemy but Whitney didn’t pull off her role that well.  She was better in things like Waiting to Exhale.  In this she was okay.  The three sisters now they were great.  Of course Jordan Sparks was amazing.  American Idol has given us so many really talented people and I am glad.  I wasn’t her biggest fan when she won but she is winning me over with her music and her acting.

Okay I should probably do my best to try and work on something.  Maybe  pull together some poetry and since tomorrow is supposed to be sunny (I pray) I might go look for early flowers.  I saw some on my walk today that were almost ready to open and I want to catch those to use in my next book.

Its snowing AGAIN..or just another day in paradise

Well I have been a bad writer.  Okay not really but I was just starting to get on a roll when I got a chance to go out and increase my very sadly depleted wardrobe.  you know you need new jeans when the only pair you have left keeps ripping out where you have sewn them four times.  So it was a good trip and it was time alone with the hubby.

But on to writing.  I know what I am going to do next.  Time for the always interesting ancient being comes along and explains a wee bit of back story.  After all how can this young woman who seems to be a simple rider and courier suddenly have these fire powers right?  Well not so suddenly it seems.  Just repressed for a good reason.  And well that is part of the tale right?

I love coming up with why a character would have the ability to do something but had no conscious knowledge that they could.  I try not to over use this but it works well.  While magic is a tricky thing to do you don’t want to have to go through the whole apprentice training for years thing in a book.  While that can work for things like Harry Potter, if you plan a stand alone novel you really can’t take the time to teach them from childhood.  Traveler should only take place in less than a month’s time over all in book world.  But having a elder type block her memory and power to protect her till the prophecy?  That should work

And another cool thing or two.  I am going to be on a blog as an author interview tomorrow!  You can go here and read it even


I have sent one of my shorts off for a review and I am still waitng on the PRG review.  We can hope I see some interesting review comments.


Reviews are so great

Been working my fingers off of course.  Writing and editing can swallow up every second if you let it.  So I was so happy to see I got another review.  That is three in the past week!  And this one was so nice.  The reviewer actually understood what my odd little story was about.  See here:



Most Helpful Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars Which is the Sacrifice – Great read August 22, 2012
By Lalo
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
I enjoyed this short story. I found it bittersweet. This story touched me. It is well written and well edited. And it left me wondering, which one would they say was the sacrifice. So many sacrifices are made from day to day. It is nice to think that someone would notice this sacrifice of love. I think there is no need to choose. They both sacrificed. The story is sad and hopeful too. I recommend this book.
I hope I keep getting reviews.  My sales have gone up from one a week to two a week, which is amazing for me.  This will motivate me to write more and more of course.  Writing is what I do.  I have a whole scene between two of the monsters in my head waiting to get loose.  I think our Mistress of the dark will be upset when two of her creatures decide not to play her game.
I think I should also sit down and work on those other covers now.  After all I have nine other stories and a handful of erotica to do covers for.  And of course all those fun little book trailers.  Soon.