I got reviews!

Thanks to shelfari I found another author who was willing to trade reviews. Basically you read my stuff and I will read yours. What is good about this is that you can get an honest review from another author, one you don’t know. So now my shorts, Passing the Torch, Night and Day and One more all hallows eve, all have reviews. Okay it is only one but it is a start. Her story, Children of Hamelin was actually pretty good. Okay I had trouble with the two storytellers in the tale. They both had real issues. I can relate to characters with issues but I just can’t relate to misogynist characters. They make me want to shake them. And well her female characters but one were all in the cliche category. Not that she meant them that way but they all wanted babies and would stop at nothing to get them. Really now? But I do recommend reading her. Theresa Dawn Sinclair…good writer.

Harry is moving along. I had a breakthrough on a later scene. I just need to get from point B to point D before I can use it. And I have to make sure I don’t go too dark with this story. After all I do have a dark side to my story telling.