Silly me

Okay in my defense I am a short story author right?  I write things that are only so many pages long and move fast and furious.  I don’t normally do novel length stuff.  That is my excuse for NOT putting in chapters in Chaos War one.  Silly me.  I realized I messed that up and now I have to go back and break things up a little bit.  It won’t be too hard right?  Yeah right.  But it needs to be done so I will do it.

I have figured out how my Protector will stop the Warrior from destroying the city but I just have to get there.  Once that is done I can switch back to the hunt for the Healer.  Poor Michael, a priest who has to go search for a missing woman in a city under siege by the hordes of nightmare?  Plan on keeping him around so I have to find other people who can be used as nightmare fodder.  Oh the humanity!  It should be a ball.  Though it looks like it won’t be the three day ordeal I had planned for Jessica.  If it keeps running at the pace it is she will probably only be in the hands of the Drinkers for a night and day…we will see.