Busy days ahead

Well looking forward to getting Halloween Pranks and Mischief up for sale.  Thanks to my friends on the boards I have decided to release it Monday.  That way it will be out there for sale for Halloween.  Now A Watery Grave should be on its free promo that day, which will hopefully drive downloads for both.

I have started the thought process for the next Harry story.  Since I have five written this next one will make six and depending on how big it turns out I will put it together with the other five in a collection.  Thinking to make it only available in the collection.  Will release it in both paperback and kindle probably after Christmas.  The idea of an exclusive story for the collections I think will be good.  So expect over the next few months to see some collections in my series.  The next one will be Echoes of Elder Times.  I have two more for that series, so I will release one and then probably in February do the collection.

Of course Revenge, book two of the Saga of Loralil Greyfox is ready for publication but I plan on that in January over on Kobo only.  Since all my sales of Endings, book one, has only been on Kobo I figure why not stick to that.

I am still planning on doing the fanfiction over on smashwords.  It will take some work to get them formatted right.  They will be free of course and they have covers all ready.  It would be so cool to have them in paperback form but you really can’t do a free paperback right?  Which is too bad since Shadows is officially my longest work.

Now yesterday another cool thing.  My poem Fall Musings has been put into a collection of poetry.  If you are interested in reading it and 49 other creative poets work you can go her



And on another front I have a short story set to be part of a collection of Halloween fiction, another free book that isn’t ready yet.  Actually I have two from the sounds of it on the other Halloween contest I was in.  This will be fun.

Plus another writer on one of my discussion boards is starting a short story magazine.  I will probably send over A Bargain Made With Fur for that one as it will be a free magazine.  It is a good story that deserves some readers.

Lots of stuff going on as you see.  I have been told I should put together a poetry collection by a bunch of people and I might do that closer to Valentines day.  Right now I just need to write and make video trailers and start on the seasonal stuff.  The school will be doing a mitten drive soon and I have not finished a single set of mittens.  Never mind I thought to toss some hats into the mix since kids who need mittens probably need hats too right?
Oh yeah.  Also there is a blog hop thing going on.  I need to find five writers who haven’t been part of it for when I am up.  I have done what I can so far but I will ask people once i know when I will be up.  Plus I am going to be featured on another writers page which will be cool.  More unintentional advertising.  The more the better, after all I need to show my work to the world if I want to possibly see some royalties.